Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ear Trouble

          This week I had to deal with my ears being plugged with ear wax and had to go to the doctor's office to have it taken care of. My ears were really sore from all the trauma of having the wax taken out, so I did some research to see what oils would be be good for ear pain. I will be listing ones that are a great defense against earaches, ear wax, and just plain old ear pain.
        Earaches are really unpleasant, whether your an adult or a child, and they are hard to relieve. Lavender, Thyme, Roman Chamomile, Purification, Eucalyptus and Melaleuca Essential Oils are  great earache relievers and they help your body fight the earache bacteria. I am not against going to the doctor or using modern medicine, in fact I am all for using both natural remedies and essential oils with as well as modern medicine. They can compliment each other. I think there are times when it's not necessary to use modern medicine and vice versa. This week was definitely a time when modern medicine and essential oils worked together, and I am very thankful for both.
However, with the way modern medicine as been made lately, with all the chemical ingredients, why not use something natural and safe, that works just as well, if not better. To apply any of these oils apply it topically behind the ear on your head. Before I went to the doctor, my ears hurt pretty bad and I wasn't sure if I had an earache as well as a lot of ear wax. I used lavender between my ear and my head to help with the pain. It worked so well that I was able to fall asleep that night.
            The only oil that I heard of that would help with ear wax was Thieves.
I tried using Thieves to get the ear wax out of my ear before going to the doctor, but my ear wax was so solidly in my ear that it was even hard for the doctor to get out. I am going to try putting some between my ear and my head for a few weeks to try and keep the wax from building up. A bonus is that Thieves smells really good.
              My ears hurt really bad this last week, because, there was so much pressure in my ears from the wax. So to help relieve some of the pain I put Peppermint and Panaway on my ears in the same place that I put Thieves and Lavender. My ears were very uncomfortable for a couple days, until I went to the doctor to have them cleaned out. I am going to try to maintain them now and not let them get so bad.
            Saturday, March 22nd I am hosting a hands on house party, during which we will be making essential oil infused pillow spray. The options for scent are Lemon essential oil and the blend Purification. If you are interested in joining there are a couple slots still available, and if your not able to come to this one I will be doing another one in April and several more through out the year.To stay updated on these events like my Facebook Page where I will be posting that kind of thing. If you are interested in learning more about Young Living and their products, check out their website. And if you like what you see and decide to order, click on the member sign-up button and enter my member # into the enroller # and sponsor # slots. (My member # is 1564241.)
             We have less then 2 months to get all the signatures  we need to end taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon. We have already collected 26% of the signatures we need statewide and 32% of the signatures we need in Jackson County. I think that anything is possible and that we can get all the signatures we need in time. However, we only have till May 11th, so now is the time for action. Please go to the website and sign the petition! Simply print it out, sign and mail it in. And while you have a sheet please have your friends, family and neighbors sign before you send it in.
        Have a wonderful week! If you have any natural remedies for any kind of ear ailment, whether its herbs or essential oils please share them with us.

Soli Deo Gloria!            


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