Thursday, July 31, 2014

Traveling with Essential Oils

     Thank you to all of you who participated in the giveaways over the last couple weeks! The next few blog posts are based on what you voiced you would like to learn more about. Today we are going to look at traveling with essential oils. I have done lot's of traveling this summer and have a little more yet to do, and my oils have been there with me every step of the way.
     So far this summer I have gone to 2 Joni and Friends Family Retreats and have gone tent camping with my Church family. I am also getting ready for my 3rd Family Retreat. I have taken my oils to every one of these events and was so thankful that I had. Not only did I use them, but so did others. At Joni camp I used Thieves, PanAway, Lavender, and Eucalyptus, first because I caught a cold both times I went. And second because I had a bruise on my foot during the second camp. During Church camp I used Lavender, Peppermint and Clove essential oils. I used them as sun protection, bug protection, sunburn and bug bite relief. Other people who were camping with me even used them!
      My parents had gotten me an oil travel case for Christmas and I bought a travel diffuser from Young Living a couple of months ago. These have been such great assets to traveling with my oils. The travel case has made the actual traveling part way more relaxing in the sense that I don't have to worry if the oil bottles are going to break in transit, and it also keeps them in an organized and easy to use place when you get to your destination. The travel diffuser is the perfect size for taking on trips.  It is also very versatile in its power options which makes it an even greater asset. It has the ability to be plugged into the wall as well as to run on batteries.  Another great recourse that I take with me so that I wont be taken by surprise is the Reference Guide pictured below. It has tons of sicknesses, diseases, etc listed in alphabetical  order, under each ailment it lists the oils that help your body take care of that particular thing. It's small enough to fit inside my travel case. (Check out my most recent YouTube video for a demonstration of my travel case.)
             I highly recommend traveling with essential oils whether you're flying or driving and no matter where you're going. You can take oils with you on the plane as part of your carry on. The rules for the planes is that each container can only be 3oz and each flyer is allowed to fill one quart size Ziploc baggy with as many 3oz containers as they want. So definitely take them on the plan with you. For one thing, it's not fun to finally head out on a trip that you're excited about only to get sick or have someone in your group get sick. Plus you if you have trouble sleeping in a new place you'll have your oils with you to make a natural sleep aid or just to help you relax.
        If you are interested in any of the oils or the diffuser that I talked about in this post check out Young Living's website.  And if you like what you see and want to order, click on the member sign-up button at the top of the page and enter my member number in the enroller and sponsor number slots. (My member number is 1564241.) And if you are interested in a travel case or a copy of the Reference Guide check out the Abundant Health website.  Also check out my Facebook Page for more fun stuff related to oils! There will be classes and events listed there that I will be hosting posted there, as well as exciting giveaways and You Tube videos! Just as a heads up, I am going to be hosting an online class Septmber 4th-September 11th, 2014 on Facebook with the focus on oils and the Back to School season of the year. So keep an eye open for the class!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Joni Camp II and What Oils I Used

      I have been to my second Joni and Friends Family Retreat this last week. It was absolutely amazing.  Every time I go to JAF  Family Retreat I love it and the people even more then I did before. It's beginning to feel more like home. This last week I was paired with a young boy whom I had last July, and who I absolutely love! I love him and his family soooooo much.
       As you may have guessed I did take my oils with me. Which was such a good thing, especially this camp, because I really needed them this time. Before coming to camp I had started to get a cold. I was also have a little bit of trouble sleeping the first couple nights. Every night I sprayed my bed with Thieves Spray, to help my body fight  my cold, as well as kill any other germs that were either already on my bed or that I might have picked up during the day. I also applied Thieves, Frankincense, and Eucalyptus oils to further fight my cold. And because I was have trouble sleeping I applied Stress Away and started sleeping like a rock.
       Then about mid week my foot started hurting like my shoe was too small. I knew it wasn't possible for that to be true, so it seemed strange to me that it should hurt. On my break I discovered a small bruise on my foot. So I applied PanAway, Lavender, and Peppermint oils to the bruise and it stopped hurting and started to healed. I am soo excited to go on my third camp this summer!! Thank you so much to all of you who have helped me get to camp!! It really means a lot to me. Check out the Thoughts From Oakdale shop for some really cute things.
      If you are interested in any of these products check out Young Living's website. If you like what you see and would like to order, click on the member sign-up button at the top of the page. Enter my member # into the enroller and sponsor  # slots at the top of the form and continue with the check out process. Also like the Thoughts From Oakdale Facebook Page, I post all sorts of fun things about oils there as well as do giveaways, and post when events will happen! I just did the first giveaway a couple weeks ago and am doing another one right now!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Wounds and Scars

           Thank you again to those of you who suggested this weeks topic on Facebook! I really appreciate it. I am at Joni Camp again this week (Hurray!!) so it will also be short, but I hope it's helpful. The subject of this weeks article is how to help a wound or surgical site heal with oils and how to reduce scarring and scar tissue.
            So let's start with the wound/surgical site healing. When I looked at the list of oils that help with healing wounds, I was pretty excited. Mostly because I have the oils and because I love these oils. The oils include Clove, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Peppermint and Thieves. All of these oils have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as being able to help your body heal faster. Application is up to you. You can apply it around the wound site, diffuse it, or apply it to the soles of your feet or all three.
          To reduce scarring or to get rid of existing scars apply Lavender and Frankincense. One of the things that Frankincense is really known for is removing skin blemishes of any kind (i.e. warts, freckles, stretch marks and much more).

       I will write about this weeks Joni camp next week and include pictures as well! Hope your week is great!

Soli Deo Gloria!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Some Thoughts

       This week I wanted to take a quick look at a book that I just finished reading, as well as a documentary film that is coming out. I know this a  little different then what I normally do, but I think it's important to mention this stuff. The book we are going to look at is called Chia Vitality and the movie is called Wait Till It's Free.
          As I said I just finished reading this book called Chia Vitality, and thought it was really informative. I really liked what she had to say about Chia seeds, but alot of what she had to say was New Agey. To read my whole review check out my other blog.
       Wait Till It's Free is a feature length documentary film about socialized health care and the implications of Obamacare. It is made by filmmaker Colin Gunn. It will be an exciting film to watch and extremely informative. If you are interested in learning more about this film go to the Wait Till It's Free website. Mr. Gunn also has a podcast in which he talks about his film and has tons of great interviews with professionals in the field. If you are interested in listening to his podcast you can download it on iTunes.
       You may be wondering why I am talking about this stuff on a blog about essential oils. As a Christian I believe that Christians as  a whole need and should get involved in politics as well as be better stewards of what God has given us. Those gifts include, but aren't limited to our physical bodies, our health and our money. I mention our health because if we aren't taking care of ourselves, we can't help and love others like God commands.  I am not saying that if we do everything right and eat healthy and exercise and drink lots of water etc., that we will be guaranteed good health. It may be in God's plan for us that we go through a terrible sickness, but we still need to take care of the body that He gave us. What bothers me is that we (Christians) have given nutrition, essential oils and other natural remedies to the world. We think that only hippies or New Agers or Buddhists use them, when in reality God made them first. The Bible is full of natural remedies that God tells His people to use. I am also not saying that conventional medicine is wrong. However there is a lot wrong with it and the system, just like everything else in this world. There needs to be a better balance between conventional medicine and natural remedies. I believe that both can be used simultaneously. Let's claim both forms of medicine and our health for the glory of God! We also need to be better stewards of our money. Both in what we buy and the way we earn it. It is a gift from God that He blesses us with in varying amounts. No matter how much the Lord has blessed you with use it to His glory.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summer Stress

        Summer is really fun, it can be relaxing and often can  provide the much needed rest we need. However with all of that comes a lack of routine, crazy schedules and lots of hot weather. This can cause a lot of stress for some people and stress can lead to all kinds of sickness, it can lower your immune system and a whole bunch of other unwanted side effects. If you get a lot of colds in summer, you might be stressed to some degree or the other. It could be the combination of a lack of sleep, no routines, a very, very busy schedule and lots of traveling. I am going to give you three different oils that will help reduce stress, help your immune system out and simply smell delicious.
       This first oil is going to be a huge shocker I know, but Lavender Essential Oil is a huge stress reliever, helps fight colds, helps you go to sleep and so much more. This is definitely one of the oils that you want to make sure you have lots of no matter what time of the year it is. 
       Stress Away is an oil blend that contains Copiaba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, Lavender and Coconut Oil. I can't believe how good this blend smells. It immediately makes you feel relaxed and can help you sleep like nothing else. I when I am trying to go to sleep but my mind wont relax and races on at full speed I will put a couple drops of Stress Away on my wrists. As soon as I do this I instantly have trouble keeping my eyes open and I am asleep before I know it. I works the same way when I feel stressed.
         This next one will also be a shock to you guys,  but Thieves is great for keeping on hand during the summer months as well.  I have been spraying my pillow with the Thieves Spray that Young Living carries every night for the last week or so. It's not because I am sick it's because I don't want to be sick. I also keep a bottle of the blend on hand for all kinds of ailments.
       All three of these oils come in the Everyday Kit that you can order either by its self or you can get it in the Premium Starter Kit which is a great value. If you are interested in these oils and the other great products at Young Living, check out their website. If you like what you see and wish to order click on the member sign up button at the top of the page and enter my member number in the enroller and sponsor number slots. (My member number is 1564241.)  Also check out and Like my Facebook Page. I will be posting all kinds of fun stuff there, like videos and oil information as well as events I will be hosting.
       I hope you have a great and not stressful summer! Let me know in the comments below something fun you are doing this summer.

Soli Deo Gloria!