Thursday, March 13, 2014

Culinary Essential Oils

       As I have been researching essential oils, I have discovered that you can cook with them! You have to be careful with how much of each particular oil that you use when cooking, as each oil has different safe dosage. So I will include a short list of oils that are safe to cook with, a few ideas for flavored water or tea, and a recipe.
         The oils that I am going to mention are ones that we are already familiar with in the kitchen but have been used in different forms. Basil Essential Oil is first on the list. We are used to using basil in its herb form, so use its oil for a little extra flavor.
 Another essential oil that we are familiar with in the kitchen in powder form is Nutmeg.

         Peppermint and Lemon Essential oils are also on the list for oils that are wonderful additions to any recipe. These oils are also great natural flavors for drinks. Add a couple drops of lemon to water for lemon water, or peppermint to coffee, hot chocolate or tea for a seasonal drink. If you don't feel like cooking with essential oils, you can still receive the benefits of ingesting them by using capsules. Young Living has organic gel capsules that you can order as well as an excellent line of cast iron  skillets.
        Cooking with essential oils allows you to get the great nutritional value of the oil, and enjoy its wonderful flavor. I have included a recipe for brownies that uses peppermint essential oil and orange essential oil. It's a recipe that I got from the newsletter that Young Living sends out.

           Vegan Orange Cacao Mint Brownies
8 large Dates                               2 cups Walnuts
3/4 cup raw Cacao Powder         1/4 cup chopped walnuts or almonds
1/4 chopped soft Raisins             6 drops Young Living Orange Essential Oil
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract

1) Place 2 cups of walnuts in a food processor outfitted with the "S" blade and grind until they are finely ground.
2) Add the cacao powder and pulse to combine.
3) Add the Orange oil and the Vanilla extract.
4) Add the dates one at a time through the feed tube while the processor is running. The mixture should appear like cake crumbs. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.
5) Add the remaining walnuts and raisins to the brownie mixture. Mix well with your hands. If the mixture is dry sprinkle with water.
6) Pack firmly into a 7x7 inch pan and chill 1 hour before cutting and serving.

             Peppermint Topping
1/2 cup Blue Agave                      4 tablespoons Cacao Powder
2 tablespoons Olive Oil                1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 tablespoon melted Coconut Oil  3-4 drops Young Living Essential Oil

 Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender and spread on top of the brownies.

If you are interested in any of these products checkout Young Living's website and if you decide to order click on the "member-sign up" button at the top of the page. There will be 2 slots at the top of the order form labeled "enroller #" and "sponsor #" enter my # into both of those slots. (My number is 1564241.)

       Earlier this week 5 homeschooled Juniors and Seniors competed in the Right-to-Life Oratory Competition. All 5 of these students did an excellent job on their speeches. We still need signatures for the  petition to end tax-payer funded abortions in Oregon. State wide we have 26% of the signatures that we need, and here in Jackson County we have 30% of the signatures that we need to collect. It is encouraging to see progress, but we still have a long way to go in a short amount of time. The deadline is May 11th, 2014. We can do it!
Have you ever used essential oils to cook with? Please share your cooking experiences!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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