I love to read, and I love acquiring new books, whether they are new or used it doesn't matter. Another thing that I really love is when someone shares a book that they really enjoy with me. This week I thought I would share with you a few books that I have read about essential oils that I have found extremely useful and I really enjoyed. And since summer is coming up and all the Summer Reading Programs at the Libraries will be starting soon, what better time to share some good books. One of the books is not strictly about essential oils, but it is about an oil so it counts.
Book #1: Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils
This particular book probably isn't the most exciting read, if you read it straight through, but it is extremely useful. It has helped my family and I so much since I got it. You can look up essentially any ailment and it will give you a list of oils that will help your body fight whatever sickness it is your dealing with. You can buy it through Abundant Health, they also carry all sorts of essential oil equipment.
Book #2: Healing Oils of the Bible
Healing Oils of the Bible was the first book I read about essential oils. It is an extremely fun book! In a couple of chapters he walks you through the counting process of how many times essential oils are mentioned in the Bible. And in other chapters he tells you how the popular oils of the time were used for then and what they are used for now. The book isn't that big and it's an easy read. I think I got my copy off of Amazon.com.
Book #3: The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils
The man who wrote this book also developed the Aromatherapy course that I am working through right now. I really like his style of writing. He is very easy to follow, he presents the science in an understandable way, and makes essential oils exciting. While I don't agree with his views about the age of the earth, I really like what he has to say about essential oils. And he's actually way less New Agey then the guy who wrote Healing Oils of the Bible. I think I also got this book off of Amazon.com.
Book #4: The Coconut Oil Miracle
While Coconut Oil is not an essential oil, it has a ton of health benefits. I was already convinced of the benefits of Coconut Oil before I read this book, but after reading the first 2 chapters I went and bought myself a bottle of Coconut Oil. It's absolutely amazing what this oil can do! If you are interested in learning more about this oil, or if you already know some about it and just want to learn more, I highly recommend this book. I bought my copy at Barnes and Noble Bookstore.
I hope you enjoyed this! I am just curious, do you have a favorite blog or book about essential oils or healthy living? If so please leave a comment below with the title of the book! Also check out my other blog Confessions of a Redhead for more books that I love!
Soli Deo Gloria!
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