Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Easter Season Part 1

     I have 4 favorite holidays, there are more holidays then that, but I have 4 specific ones. The 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.The reason I love these particular holidays the best is because of the history behind them. Since Easter is in 2 weeks and as a way to get ready for the season, I am going to talk about a couple of the oils that Jesus used. The oil that is going to be highlighted today is Frankincense Essential Oil. While this is not mentioned in the Easter Story it was given to Jesus when he was a baby by the wise men. This is significant, because Frankincense was and is extremely expensive.  Joseph and Mary would never have been able to afford to buy it for Jesus. And because it was so expensive only kings and the upper classes could afford it and give it as
gifts. Mary certainly knew how to use it, both for herself and on Jesus. The fact that the wise men understood that Jesus was the King of All Creation and honored him with such a gift is really amazing. They recognized him as their king and showed him the respect and honor that they would to an earthly king.

"And behold, the star that they (the wise men) had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh."
                 Matthew 2:9-11 ESV Translation
Isn't it amazing how God orchestrates things so that there can be no doubt that His Son, the Messiah, is Jesus!? He ordained that these most likely pagan wise men from the east would follow the star, and know what it meant from scripture. And that they would bring Jesus gifts fit for a King. Frankincense is great for several things. It suppress and heals coughs and colds, takes away skin blemishes (i.e. warts, stretch marks, etc.), asthma, anxiety, and it boosts the immune system. Mary would have known this and would have been able to use it wisely on Jesus, as well as for the rest of their family. From a young age Jesus was proven and honored as the King of Kings and as the Son of God, and it was confirmed all through out his life. It was exemplified in His death and resurrection. I pray that you know this gracious and loving God as your Lord and Saviour.
          If you would like to order some Frankincense or look into Young Living's other great products go to their website. If you like what you see and would like to order, click on the Member Sign-Up button at the top of the page, and then enter my member # into the enroller and sponsor # slots at the top of the form and you can proceed to check out. (My member # 1564241.)  Also check out my Facebook Page, at Thoughts From Oakdale. I will be posting about events and giveaways and other fun stuff there. You can also join in the conversation there and here, feel free to leave comments and questions that are  essential oil related. I'd love to hear from you! If you are interested and are able to come I am hosting an event on the 26th of April at 2:30 in the afternoon, called Soap Making With Essential Oils. Look on the Facebook Page or email me for more details if you are interested in coming.
        There are only 32 days left for us to meet our goal for signatures that we need to end taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon. We have 30% of the signatures we need statewide, and in Jackson County we have 37% of the signatures we need. We don't have that much time left you guys. I think it is very possible for us to meet the goal, but we have to get serious now. Go onto the website and print off a petition sheet and sign it  and then mail it in. But since you will have 9 other empty slots for people to sign, ask 9 of your friends and family to sign it before you mail it in. This is such an important issue, that we can't afford to miss this opportunity. We can do it! Also on the topic of the ballot I would like to bring up another measure that is important on a different level. It's Measure 15-119 that protects Family Farms in Jackson County. It wont allow GMO farms in Jackson County at all. To find out more about this measure go their website and read more about it.
        I hope you all have a great Easter Season! What are some of your Easter Traditions?

Soli Deo Gloria!

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