Tuesday, February 3, 2015


After taking a few months off, I decided that I would tackle a new topic. I want to take a look at beauty and what it looks like for Christians. There are so many different ideas about what beauty should be whether it's not taking care of yourself at all or taking to much time and obsessing about it. As Christians we need to be good stewards of our bodies and take enough time to make sure we look nice and not look terrible. So let's get started!
    Exercise is extremely important. However, it doesn't have to be achieved  at the expense of hours long workouts or expensive gym memberships. I like to do Pilates and walk as my form of exercises. Walking you can do anytime, anywhere. And all you need is yourself and some tennis shoes. It's super easy! For Pilates I use Blogilates www.blogilates.com She does really good at making exercising fun but she is quite a bit into making you "feel good" about yourself. But she has a lot of good things to say and has a lot of good routines.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Health Journals

As its still the beginning of the year, I wanted to share a few ideas the next few weeks with you all. The first thing I would like to share with you is Health Journals, then next time we'll look at exercise and then we'll look at make-up. Health Journals are a great tool that I have been using for the last 4 or 5 months. I have really enjoyed it, because it has  allowed me to see what I have been eating, drinking, my daily exercise, sleep and what products I'm using on my body. It has helped me fix things that were really bad habits, create good habits and to see what was actually working. I try to make it organized so that I can look at a glance at a day so that I can actually adjust what needs fixing. For Example:

Liquids: 1 cup coffee, 1 cup water, 1 cup tea

Body Care: Biotin, Bath & Body Works Lotion, Suave Shampoo and Conditioner

Exercise: Walked 2 miles, 30 min. Pilates

Food: 1 serving Cantaloupe, 2 pieces Toast, 1 serving Soup

Sleep: Went to bed at 11:00pm woke up at 6:30 am

 This is just an example of how I set up each page in my health journal. Each day is represented on one page so that I look through and quickly see what the day looked like health wise. It's really fun to see the progress. I also every once and a while add another category where  record what I weigh so I can track that.

I first learned about health jouranling at Wellness Mama Blog.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lemon Essential Oil

    I love the beginning of the year, because it feels so fresh and new! There are so many opportunities that never seemed possible at other times of the year. It's also a great time to clean and I mean really clean. I love the feeling of getting organized and getting everything the way it should be. Well the oil that really seems to get all of that is Lemon Essential Oil.
       Recently I have been putting a few drops of Lemon oil into my water. This has several benefits. First it helps your body fight colds, the flu, aids in digestion, clears acne, it improves memory and helps prevent urinary track infections. Secondly it helps detox your system of anything. You just can't beat it! Plus it adds some really good flavor to your water. I have noticed a difference in myself since I started drinking my water with Lemon essential oil in it.

What oil do you want to start using more and why? What's your current favorite oil?

Soli Deo Gloria!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! I am super excited to start this year with all the exciting things that are going to be happening! Be on the look out for the new podcast I am hoping to be starting this year and for more consistent Vimeo video posting. I hope your year is wonderful and I look forward to seeing how it all turns out.

Soli Deo Gloria!!!