Monday, September 29, 2014

Essential Oils for Focus and Concentration

  During the school year it is often hard to focus and concentrate. Especially if there are all sorts of social gatherings to prepare for or extra-curricular activities to think about. So today we will look at the oils that will help with study time.
The oils from the Everyday Kit that are a part of this list are Lemon, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Valor, and Lavender. You can put them into effect by rubbing them on the soles of your students feet and diffusing them at the same time. Using as many of these oils as you wish is totally fine. Just find the scent combination that you enjoy the best. The oils that aren't in the Kit but also help with focus and concentration are Cedarwood, Citrus Fresh, Orange, En-R-Giz, Vetiver, Basil, and Rosemary. Apply these the same as the other oils. 
  I hope this is helpful to all teachers, students and parents. These can be used in the classroom and in the home. My sisters and I were at the play place the other day, which has a preschool, and I saw that the preschool had a diffuser running!
     Check out my Facebook page for more essential oil information as well as classes and my Vimeo channel for some oil how-to's. Join us on October 2nd for the Essential Oils 101 class on Facebook. 

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is a desert plant, which would explain why it is so often used for sunburn relief. It is a beautiful plant and is extremely versatile. The part of the plant that you use is not an essential oil, but it does similar things for the plant that essential oils do for their plants.
   First Aloe Vera gel comes from the inside of the leaves of the plant. To access it and use the gel, all you have to do is pull a leaf off and squeeze the gel out like toothpaste. And if you don't use all the gel in that one leaf you can stick it in the fridge for a day and save it for later. The care and up keep of this great plant is super easy since it is a desert plant. You don't have to water it that often and you don't have to worry to much about it when you go on trips.
      Our natural first aid kit is certainly expanding. Aloe Vera not only adds relief to sunburns and bug bites, it is also a disinfectant. It also helps your body heal blisters. So its great for applying when you or your child gets a cut, blisters, sunburn or bug bites. For a great list of other natural items to add to your natural first aid kit go here.
       It can also be added to your natural cosmetics. If you make any of your own cosmetics, you can include Aloe Vera and give your finished product a great extra kick in that your cosmetics will be healing and taking care of you while your looking fabulous. Making your own cosmetics can be fun and exciting. It is definitely an adventure, there are so many resources out there right now. If you want to make your own make-up most of the resources are on the internet. There are a lot of books out there right now though on making your own body care products.
     I highly recommend getting your own plant and using the gel from your own plant, simply because you don't have to spend as much time checking the suppliers honesty like you do if you buy just the gel. I was given one just recently and I love it! It is such  a beautiful plant! Very simple looking, but that's what makes it so lovely. Here's another article that's very interesting.
     Well I hope that was helpful, and I look forward to talking to you on Facebook, Vimeo and here. On October 2nd I will be holding another class on Facebook, Essential Oils 101. We will go through all the oils in the starter kit as well as learn why oils do what they do! Hope you can join us!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Himilayan Pink Salt

 I discovered Himilayan Pink Salt by complete accident. I was at Winco getting Chia Seeds in the bulk section and just below it was the bin of Himilayan Pink Salt . It was so different looking I had to do a quick search on my phone. The top searches were so interesting that I bought a half a pound right then. Unlike regular table salt Himilayan Pink Salt is very good for you and can be used in many different ways.
This amazing salt is mined in the Himilayan mountains and is naturally pink. It can be used in baths, body scrubs and has a 1:1 ratio to table salt and can be used in place of regular table salt when cooking. 
Himilayan Pink Salt supports almost all of the body's systems. It is high in all the important vitamins and minerals, and has none of the terrible side affects of table salt. Unlike common belief, our bodies do need sodium, but we need the right kind which is contained in Himilayan Pink Salt. 
I have used it in a body scrub and loved it! I also used it when my brother had a cold as a throat gargle. I haven't been able to try it as a table salt replacement but I can't wait too. I am still looking for a good body scrub recipe, otherwise I would share one here. 
I found it at Winco in the bulk section for about $1.60 per pound. I am sure that it is available at other places I just haven't found it yet. I am still learning about all the great benefits of Himilayan Pink Salt, and can't wait to try it all the different ways to use it and what it's health benefits are.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


    Headaches of all kinds are annoying, uncomfortable and sometimes painful, and nobody enjoys having one. This week we are going to look at the oils that have great headache relief, and are better for you then Advil or Tylenol. First I want to remind you all that today is the Back to School class on Facebook it's not to late to join us! And invite your friends as well!
   Alot of the oils that are mentioned in this post are in the Everyday Kit, so if you have only ordered the Premium Starter Kit then you will be totally fine. There are a few oils that aren't in that kit that you can order later if you wish or you may already have them. We'll start with the ones from the Everyday Kit. They are Lavender, Thieves, Stress Away, PanAway, Valor, Peppermint, and Frankincense. You can use one or all of them to help get rid of your headache and for any headache according to how the smell bothers you while you have a headache. The other oils that don't come in the kit are Deep Relief,  Breathe Again, R.C. and M-Grain. Again it's all to smell during your headache, but they are all very safe and act quickly.
    To get any of these oils or any other Young Living products check out their website. Also check out my Vimeo Channel and my Facebook Page.

Soli Deo Gloria!