Thursday, January 30, 2014

       Hello everyone! I hope you've had a great week. Our book study with the girls went really well on Saturday. I wish I had pictures to show you. There were 11 of us there and it was a neat time of fellowship and discussion. I am looking forward to our meeting in February!
      A couple weeks ago my family and I went to the Right to Life rally and I realized how much I wanted to do something more than just go to a rally once a year. I remembered that I had made baby hats for the Pregnancy Resource Center a little over a year ago, so I have started doing that again. If you are interested in helping me knit hats for them let me know, I have an easy, but extremely cute, hat pattern that I will share with you. Email me at . There is also a petition going around right now to get a bill on the ballot in November to end taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon. Every year, $16 million dollars of Oregon taxpayer money are used to fund abortions. We need to end this. If you would like to sign this petition you can go to this website or ask me about it the next time you see me. 
      This last month I have done quite a bit of research on leading a healthier lifestyle and I came across this blog called "Wellness Mama". I haven't been able to try it yet, but she has a recipe to make your own homemade gummy vitamins. It's a great option because it doesn't have all the sugar and other bad ingredients in it that might actually counteract the good. Check out her blog at . She has a lot of great tips on healthy food, how-to's on making your own lotions and shampoos, and much more.
       Guess what happened this week?! Registration opened for Joni and Friends Family Retreat! I am very excited about that. I am (Lord willing) going to the one held in Rockaway Beach, Oregon and hopefully to both of the Family Retreats in San Jose, California, as a Short Term Missionary. If you are not familiar with what Joni and Friends is, it's a ministry that ministers to families affected by disability.  So in these families, one or more of the family members has a disability of some kind. At these Family Retreats, each of the kids, even the children who have a disability, are paired with a Short Term Missionary (STM) for the whole week. For the whole week they have someone's undivided attention, who wants to be with them, and who wants to do any of the activities that they want to do. In short, they get a friend for the entire week, and most often forever after that. You can learn more about this great ministry at Family Retreat is one of the best weeks of my whole year.
        Along with my toothpaste that I got in my last order of essential oils, I got this energy/supplement drink called Ningxia Red. It's similar to the 5-Hour Energy Drink, but it's all antioxidants and supplements. There are no chemicals in Ningxia Red! I had enough to last me a whole month and I not kidding I have never felt so awake. It's main ingredient is wolfberries, it also has blueberries, raspberries, and several essential oils. At first it has a really bitter taste, but then it becomes pretty sweet once you get used to it. If you are interested in learning more about this product and others like it check out . My member # is 1564241, so if you order something enter my number in the sponsor and enroller # slots at the top of the form. And if you are interested in coming to a house party please email me and let me know. My email is I would love to hear from you.
    I hope you all have a wonderful week. I will talk to you all next week!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week! I just read a book called, "Creation's Tiny Miracles" by Robert Gentry. It's about Polonium Halos that are found in granite rocks and fossilized wood. These halos are used for radiocarbon dating, and are often mistakenly dated as millions of years old. However, the way these halos really form is way too short, some take 3 minutes to form and others 128 days. So to say that they help prove a millions of years time schedule is ridiculous. I would encourage you to read the book, it is really good.
I am getting very excited because the book study that my friends and I are doing starts this Saturday. I got the notebooks last week and made bags for the girls to put their books and notebooks in. It will be a wonderful time of fellowship!
My house party went really well last week. We had a great time. Thank you to everyone who came! If you are interested in attending a house party, let me know by emailing me at and I will add you to my list. I will be holding another house party in February, so if you are interested, let me know soon. Or, if you are not interested in a house party, but would like to look at the website, go to   If you would like to order, enter my member # in the sponsor number and enroller number slots. My # is 1564241. If you have any questions about essential oils, please feel free to email me, I would love to answer any questions that I can.

Earlier this week, I started to catch that weird cold/flu thing that's going around, and not wanting to be sick, I put Peppermint Essential Oil in my diffuser in the morning and put Stress Away Oil Blend and Deep Relief Oil Blend on my temples and the nap of my neck. Then, before going to bed, I put Lemon Essential Oil in my diffuser. I felt way better by the next day and I am pretty sure that I won't be getting that bug this time.

The most exciting thing happened this week! My plant bloomed the other day.
Isn't it pretty! It smells really good too. I just had to show you guys my flower because it's still alive and it looks amazing.

I hope that your week is amazing and that you accomplish great things! I will talk to you all next week.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a wonderful week. I have been super busy this last week with all sorts of things. First a couple of my friends and I are starting a book study with the girls from our church. We are going to be working through Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin's book "It's (Not That) Complicated" and their webinar "Reclaiming Beauty". It will be a really fun experience! I am very excited about it.
     I have also been getting ready for my second house party this last week. It's tonight and I'm getting a little nervous. I don't know why I am nervous, I had so much fun last time I did a party. If you are interested in joining the next house party or have any questions about essential oils email me at I would love to have you join us and I will answer your questions as best as I can. Just to show some of the fun prizes that will be given away tonight I have included a picture of them. There are 2 black scarves and a homemade rice heating pad (I did make them) that will be part of a drawing and everyone gets to go home with a gift bag.
   In my last order of essential oils, I ordered essential oil infused, all natural, great tasting, no chemical and other nasty stuff, toothpaste! It sounds really weird, I know, but I have never enjoyed brushing my teeth so much as I do with this toothpaste. One reason I like it is because it doesn't become all bubbly and I don't have to worry about wearing it. And it tastes like Christmas. My teeth are sensitive, especially to cold things, and since I have been using this toothpaste I have noticed that my teeth are fine with cold things now.
       If you would like to order this wonderful tootpaste (Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste) or look at other great products here is the link To get wholesale prices click on the box that says "Wholesale Distributor". Just because you choose this option does not mean that you have to sell anything, it will just get you better prices on your oils. Don't be afraid to email me I would love to answer your questions and include you in the next house party.   
      One of the gifts that I got for Christmas was a bulb for a Paperwhite. So far I have had a black thumb, instead of a green thumb. I have a spider plant that has somehow survived, so when I got my bulb I was a little worried that I would kill it. But look at it! There was no green when I planted it and now its looking wonderful.
  I hope you all have a wonderful week! I will talk to you next week.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

       Hello everyone! I hope that the first week of your New Year has gone well. I love the beginning of the New Year, it's so fresh feeling. One of my New Year's resolutions is to exercise more. I wanted to do more then just walk as exercise and still not spend a lot of money. I heard that my friend had found a pilates blog that has work out calendars and videos, and I remembered that my family had a few exercise mats. So I have been doing pilates for the last 4 days and have really enjoyed it. It is challenging, but it feels so good. What are some of your New Year's resolutions or goals?
       I am also gearing up to do my second house party and I am getting super excited about it. I had a great time with all the ladies (and gentlemen) that were at my first party back in December. If you want to learn even more about Essentials Oils and would like to attend a class or house party, send me an email at and I will get you more information. When you attend these classes/parties you are under no obligation to buy anything.
        So a few weeks ago my grandfather fell down and hurt his side. We were unsure if he had hurt his bones or his muscles. He would have pain every time he breathed and moved. I looked under sore muscles and sore bones in my little book, "Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils" by Connie and Alan Higley*. I found the Essential Oils that were included in both lists and that I had in my kit. These Oils were Peppermint Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oils, and PanAway Essential Oil Blend. We applied 1 drop of the Peppermint Essential Oil, 1 drop of the PanAway Essential Oil Blend, and 4 drops of the Lavender Essential Oil, to his side where it hurt. Within a half hour he said that the pain was so far down that he could breath without pain.
         Just a reminder all the oils that I mention are in the Everyday Oil Kit, which you can get for a great price in the Premium Starter Kit. You can order this kit through Young Living at and enter my member # in the sponsor and  enroller boxes in the form. My member # 1564241.
        I hope you all have a great beginning to your new year and that you are able to do great things for the Lord! If you wish to share any new goals for the year please leave it in a comment below this post. Have a great week and I will talk to you all next week.

Soli Deo Gloria!

* You can purchase this wonderful resource through Abundant Health at

Thursday, January 2, 2014

      Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season. I did, but I always enjoy the new year best. I love the ability to look at the past year and then look at the new year and to glean from the old and to prepare for and plan the new. Everything seems so fresh and exciting. There is so much room to try new things, and new experiences to have. To learn something new or more about something.
     "Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel."  ~Proverbs 27:9~
      Back in early December, right after Thanksgiving, a friend from church showed me a burn she had gotten from baking. I mentioned that Lavender Essential Oil  would help her burn to heal. I just happened to see her the next day, and I had my Lavender Essential Oil with me, so I asked her if she would be willing to try it. She said she was willing to give it a try. When I saw her again, I asked her how it worked and she told me that it was almost completely healed by the next morning.
     The more I learn about Essential Oils, the more I am in awe of the beauty of God's creation and God's majesty!  Here is a link to an article that explains this really well,  Kicking the New Age Out of Old Age Healing  . As Christians, I think that we relinquish way too many things to the world and that we need to start taking dominion for Christ. Young Living isn't a "Christian" company and those in leadership aren't necessarily "Christians". Some of their product descriptions have "New Agey" wording and I am sure that a lot of people use the products for those purposes; however, I use them for the physical healing properties. God created them first and they are, therefore, God's creation and should be used for His purposes first and foremost.
    If you would like to order a Premium Starter Kit click on the link below 
Or if you have questions or comments please leave a comment and I will reply. I hope you all have a wonderful week and a blessed New Year.
      Talk to you all next week!

Soli Deo Gloria!