Thursday, December 26, 2013

      Hello again!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day. I had a great time with my family and friends.  I am super excited because I got an Essential Oils Travel Case! Now I can take my oils with me in style. Well a couple of weeks ago on the 12th of December, I held my first house party, for my Essential Oils. It was an exciting night of learning about Essential Oils and about Young Living, and great conversations. The excitement from that night has continued for those who attended. A couple of people have already signed up and ordered.
       So in the last couple of months that I have had my oils , I have had quite a few opportunities to use them.  The first was with one of my little sisters who is 4 years old. She tends to get a lot of colds and other respiratory stuff.  Well, she has gotten a couple of colds this month and I have used Peppermint Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil and an oil blend called Thieves. Her cold was gone in 3 days and a little wart that she had on her lip also disappeared in the same time, due to the Frankincense. All of those oils are good for fighting colds because of their molecular make up and Frankincense is also good for skin blemishes, including warts. Due to being sick a couple other times this month, my little sister came to me when she wasn't feeling good the other day on her own and said, "Sister I need some oils."
     I will share some more success stories next week. But if you all are needing a good nights sleep, put one drop of Peace and Calming blend on your forehead, some Stress Away blend on your wrists and the back of your neck and 4 drops of Lavender essential oil on your spin. It will be the best night of sleep you have ever had!
      It has been such a fun experience switching out conventional medicine with essential oils and sharing them with other people. All the oils that I will be mentioning in the next few weeks are from the Everyday Kit that is included in the  Premium Starter Kit. I would recommend looking at Young Livings website and consider ordering soon. I highly recommend Essential Oils.  I have included  a link below that will take you to the Young Living website.
      Have great and blessed week, enjoy the rest of this year and a wonderful New Years. I will talk to you all next year! 

Soli Deo Gloria.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello Everyone! I have recently started a new business venture! I am now a Distributer for Young Living Essential Oils. For the last year and a half or so I have been interested in Essential Oils. I first heard about them when I learned how to make soap from a lady in my church, then heard more about them in a webinar by the Botkin Sisters called "Reclaiming Beauty". Back in January when my brother Isaac and I were in San Antonio, TX, Isaac started getting sick, and our host family gave him some eucalyptus essential oil. Well after using this oil for a couple days he was completely better! That really peaked my interest! How could an oil extracted from a plant be that potent?!?! How did it do that? I had never seen anything work that fast! When I got home I was still very excited, and I wanted to learn more. But where should I start? How do I learn more about these amazing oils? Life got kinda busy after that and I wasn't able to jump in and learn more right away, but just a few months ago it happened. One of my mom's friends on Facebook and a lady that we both look up too, posted that she was a Distributer for Young Living Essential Oils! My mom told me about it and asked if I would be interested in doing something like this and I said yes!! So I contacted this dear lady and talked to her about it and she recommended a few books and walked me through how to sign up. The last couple months have been an exciting journey as I learn more about this forgotten world of Essential Oils and the Great and Glorious Creator who made them! I have been reading books like "Healing Oils of the Bible" by Dr. Stewart and "The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils" by Dr. Shnaubelt. I have also been devouring everything on Young Livings website and blogs by people who use Essential Oils. I can't wait to share more with you all about the amazingness of these Oils that God has provided us with! I will be sharing my new discoveries here so stay posted to learn more with me!

Soli Deo Gloria!!